Wednesday, 9 November 2011

LIIAR Analysis of the Brief!

L - My product needs to look professional, be eye-catching and also meet the requirements. Like most music magazines, there needs to be a masthead that is recognizable, short and effective. Just a simple letter could even work (e.g. Q magazine) as long as it is dominant and eye-catching.

The main image on my front cover needs to be a MCU (medium close-up) but you need to be able to see the person's face and have 'eye contact' with them. This will attract the audience and show what the main story is for this issue.

The colours used must be bold, bright and work well together. A good house style will make the magazine more attractive and more professional. However, the house style I use must be consistant through all my products.

Despite the fact my main image is will be the selling point of the magazine, thumbnails around the side of the front cover grab more interest as it illustrates more articles within the magazin however these can also be placed in the contents, so they can go along with the page information.

Along with the main image needs to be an achorage. If the audience don't know what the image is about, they may not want to spend money on something that doesn't sound / look good. A good anchorage will help promote the main article.

A price and barcode is always needed in making a magazine look professional, the barcode will be clearly visible but also out of the way to make room for the main image and thumbnails. The price needs to be a fairly reasonable price, but enough to make a profit.

With the main image, thumnails and masthead, another way to attract the audience would be to have teasing contents along the bottom. This will fill the page more and make the whole magazine look busier, also along the bottom a competition could be advertised somewhere on the front cover or maybe in the contents.

I - I would create my own institution, however, use similiar aspects featured in 'Q Magazine.' The same sort layout and information would be used throught however, there will be some originality in my products.

I - I want to get the messgae across that young musicians today are making a postive image for people their age. I want the magazine to be inspiring as well as interesting.

A - I want to aim my magazine at 16 - 25 year olds, S.E.G group C1 to E and people who are 'outer-directed' and want to achieve. The reason I have picked this specific target audience is because, young people are more interested in music now-a-days and are also easily inspired. If they wish to become musicians themselves when they are older, my magazine will help promote musicians and inspire many readers.

R- I want the magazine to represent the target audience in a positive way, e.g. Youths would be promoted as 'inspiring musicians' rather than 'intimidating thugs.' However, the magazine will still be musically inclined and interesting rather than some gossip magazine.

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