Friday, 4 November 2011

Front Cover, Audience Feedback

Below are a range of questions I asked my target audience about my college magazine.

1) First of all, is the magazine eye catching?

The majority of the people I surveyed agreed that my magazine was eye-catching. They said that the effect used on the main image was a nice touch to the magazine front cover and made it look fairly professional.
2) Does the magazine look professional, and could you see this on sale someday?
The audience all said that they could imagine the magazine to be on sale someday and with a few final touches, it could really look like it belongs in an everyday shop and college.

3) Is the text clear enough on the front cover and contents page?
The people I surveyed all said that the text could do to be a different colour or just made clearer on both the contents and front page. However, the main information is legible and it still makes a good product.

4) If this magazine were to be on sale, would you buy it?
The magazine itself does look intersting according to the audience, however, the price seems random and an annoying amount to have to pay. "You can't just simply pay with one coin, and the chances are you'll always get that annoying penny back every issue." One person said.
Other comments made:
"Good magazine, I like the house style but some of the text needs to be easier to read."

"The way the price is stated is epic. It adds a sense of professionalism to the magazine. Also, the barcode looks realistic and the time the magazine is issued is awesome."

"I wouldn't particularly read it, but it definitely is eye-catching and a good product. It's full with plenty of headlines and stuff to catch the readers attention."

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