Monday, 31 October 2011

Promoting the magazine.

As you can see in my previous post, I created a web page for the college magazine. However, to keep people buying the magazine, there shall be exclusive content in it that is only in the magazine and if the audience wish to read it, then they'll have to purchase a copy.
Another good way to keep people interested in the magazine is to advertise some form of competition and the slip is only available in the magazine. The competition will also be advertised on the website.

As for the website and the viral campaign, it will be advertised on the Wyke Website or even a link sent to all students informing them of this new magazine. This could be seen as spam though, so the best bet it so have the magazine linked with the college.

Nowadays there's an app for just about everything, so therefore there probably would be an app for the college magazine. Here you can get live updates on what is happening in the college, but also there will be advertisements on the app to keep people buying the magazine. The app will of course be free, because more effort will be put into the magazine rather than viral or electronic publishing.

Amazing web page mock up...

Although it's not exactly a work of art, the main concept is there. I would have the college colours as the colour scheme, and on the webpage there would be the magazine logo, a link to the college and links to stories.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

A few pictures from the many taken.

Sometimes, you have to look out for what's going on in the background....

Hmm... Awkward coversation to someone who I've just met...

Hard at work!

Best angle so far, makes him look like a giggling midget...!

I don't look to happy about having my picture taken... 


Coke Advert...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Some amazing digital mock-ups!*

Yes... I know... They're just beautiful.

Initial Ideas using Prezi!

Price and Release Dates

Since my target audience are students with a low income, then my magazine shall be priced at £1.19 which makes it easily affordable, but also a good price to make some profit. However it will be released once every 2 months to ensure that the majority of the students who possibly have part-time jobs, have been paid and now have the money to buy a copy of the college magazines.

Target Audience

The demographics of my target audience will be young adults aged 15 - 24, because the majority of students attending, or hoping to attend, a college will be in this category.
As for the S.E.G, it will be aimed at group E because students will be classed as group E, due to low income, and they are who I am aiming my product at.
The psychographics of my target audience will be achievers because, people who aim to do well will want to know what is going on around them and in the college to get a better understanding of how to aim higher and do well for themselves.

Analysing College Magazines

East Riding CollegeL - The language used on the front cover of the college magazine is fairly simple. The mast head is bold and visible, although, it leaves a lot of negative space around it. The same goes for the rest of the text, there is a lot of negative space around it which gives the front cover an empty feel. As for the image on the front cover, it could have done to fill the magazine, because it stands out too much with the black background. Even though this makes it very eye-catching, the whole magazine looks too simple, however, the house colours work well together and give off a sophisticated and professional feel until the green is introduced in the contents. The colour stands out and if that is what they were aiming to do then it has worked perfectly, on the other hand, it doesn't look very attractive.

I - The institution is East Riding College, and you can tell this from the name and logo on the cover, because of this you get a good understanding of what the magazine is all about.

I - The magazine will have been produced to inform students of the college (or maybe from other colleges)  what has been happening recently within the college, hence the image. This image and caption show that the main story within the magazine is about the Media trip.

A - East Riding College is a place filled with students ages 16 -19, that is probably who the audience is or maybe even their parents. The main 'headline' and image are set to appeal to this audience as it is people their age involved in it.

R - The magazine seems to represent the college as sophisticated and natural, with the colours and simple text, however it also comes across as boring and dull.

L - The masthead (although on the opposite side to most magazines) is large, simple and easy to recognise. The background is all one image and the colours of the front cover work well together to give off a positive image and appeal to the College Students. Inside on the contents page, the colours becoming more varied as we are introduced to more vibrant colours, but this is to keep it fresh and it works well. The text used is more unformal than usual but this will appeal to a younger audience and grab their attention more compared to text that is too formal.
The whole magazine appeals to a younger generation, but it also needs to be professional as there isn't a barcode or price on the front cover of the magazine.

The majority of the images are on the contents page and this is good as you can relate them to the titles on the contents page, giving the reader a little bit more information about what they will find in the magazine.

I - The magazine is produced by Grimsby College, and this magazine allows people from within or around the college to know what is happening.

I - The magazine is made to seem young and fresh, hence the vibrant colours and less formal writing styles. This makes it seem like it is more appeal to the younger generation as they could relate to it.

A - The audience will be students aged around 16 - 19 that will probably attend the college and want to know what is happening there.

R - The magazine represents teenagers as young, fresh people with informal vocabulary, however, it also represents to college by making out as though it is modern and keeping up to date with the new trends and speaking styles, hence the vocabulary and colours.


L - First of all the masthead is bold and colourful as well as simple, this makes it attractive and professional straight away. On the side are 'the headlines' so readers will know what will be found with in the magazine. The text is all short and snappy so it doesn't give too much away but gives you enough to want to know more. The style of writing is formal, yet not posh, this makes it appealing and relatable, however, the front cover does not have a barcode or price, and this is usually what is found on a magazine. The main image shows a young girl amused by something, this makes the magazine seem 'happy' and because she's of a young age the audience can relate to her.
The contents pages is very bright and bold, which makes it appealing to a younger audience, although the house colours do contrast a lot they give off a warm, welcoming feeling. The font used is not dull, but more appealing to a young audience however when it gets onto a more serious note, such as the editors comments, the font changes and this makes the page more in depth and varied. There is an FSC logo to show in the contents and this is a very professional image that shows that it was made using environmentally friendly procedures.

I - The institution is King Edward VI College in Stourbridge, the magazine will have been made by them and used to promote themselves within the school.

I - The magazine will have been wanting to introduce students to the year, because of all the courses named in the contents, but also want to be relatable and fresh which is why it is colourful and appealing.

A - The audience will be students attending the school aged 16 - 19.

R - The college promotes itself as a warm, welcoming place by using particularly warm colours such as red and yellow, but also it uses the image of the girl looking amused and happy to help promote this idea.

Friday, 7 October 2011

College Featured in my Preliminary Task

The College I will be featuring in my Preliminary Task is Wyke 6th Form College because, as it is a large place there will be many students that attend the college wanting to buy a magazine. Also, as I attend Wyke College myself, getting pictures from within the grounds for my front cover should be simple; it’s just finding the right place.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

LIAR of the brief.

L: The language of my college magazine needs to appeal to college student, so this means that the writing style must be aimed at ages 16 – 19. However, the writing must also be formal and easy to understand. The masthead needs to be short and recognizable, this way it will be more memorable and eye catching, making the magazine more appealing.
The image on the front cover must be of a medium close-up, where the subject is clearly visible and recognisable. On the front cover I will also have thumbnails with short, snappy captions to let the reader know what’s in store when they pick up this magazine.
Another aspect on my magazine will be the price and barcode; this makes it seem more professional and gives it that ‘official feel.’
Somewhere on the front cover will be an advertisement for a competition and prizes to be won, this helps promote the magazine more and adds a little extra to it.
I will have the main article, in bold letters and bigger than the rest of the text, to let the readers know what the main image is about and what the highlight of the magazine is.
 I: The message I want to get across in my magazine is to let students know what’s happening within the college and that the magazine is made by ‘one of them’ so they can relate to it.
A: The target audience for my magazine is 16 – 19 year olds because demographics show that the majority of 16 – 19 year old are college students. Also, people around that age are more interested in buying a magazine compared to people aged 50+. R: Depending on my main article I want college students to be represented accurately however I want a bit of humour and attraction to the magazine, so I may present to student in a stereotypical way, but still keeping a positive image.

Preliminary Exercise - The Brief

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce a front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you  must produce a mock-up of the layout contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.