Thursday, 15 December 2011

Magazine Front Cover Draft 4

Draft Four 

For this draft, I used the best aspects from the previous drafts to make the 'ultimate cover!' The house colours have remained back to the original, and so has the typography. Generally, this is my favourite draft out of all of them. 

Audience Feedback 

"The use of the colour black is good, plain, but professional." 

"I like the masthead, the mixture of all the drafts so far has made a decent outcome." 
"I'm liking the main image being black and white. Mysterious..." 

"£2!? 50p cheaper, for a better copy!" 

"Best one so far, main image is finally good, maybe a slightly better one for that ultimate pro' look!"

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Magazine Front Cover Draft 3

Draft Three
In this draft, I decided to change the house-style a little by adding the colour red. This highlights the key points making it eye-catching for the reader. I saw this technique in 'Q Magazine' when they made certain words red/bold for a better effect. 

Audience Feedback

"The red makes it stand out quite a bit. Not sure if it looks professional." 

"I like the red, but not for the front cover. If so, not so much. It would be acceptable inside."
"Layout is professional, the barcode finally 'looks happy' there." 

"The thumbnail images look more mature now that they're not titled. It's plain, but professional." 
"I'm liking the masthead... Well, what I can see of it."

Magazine Front Cover Draft 2

Draft Two
This draft was made in response to the audience feedback from the first draft. I much prefer this draft to my first one because, it is a more conventional music magazine, but also, generally the magazine looks more professional since it has been tweaked since last night. 

Audience feedback

"I'm liking it. Could actually be a proper magazine." 

"Not bad, the main image needs changing. Don't like it."

"It's just like a 'perfected version' of your first one." 

"Much better than last time. Masthead is looking good!" 

"Cool, house colours work well." 

"It needs something... Doesn't quite look professional yet." 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Promoting My Magazine

Viral marketing is a very useful and common way of promoting a product today. I would definitely consider making a website as well as social networking profiles to help promote my magazine. 

Here is a quick design of what the website would look like. 

The website would use the same house colours as the magazine and also contain the same content. However, not everything in the magazine will be displayed on the website because I stil want to sell my magazine. It is more of a promotion and an 'extra' to the magazine.

As for socail network 
advertisement, I have set up a twitter account to give additional information as well as expanding its audience. 

This also shows that the company is 'modern' and this appeals to a younger audience since twitter is used worldwide by many people from celebrities to normal working people. 

The magazine will always be the main product for information and the latest news, but the viral marketing campaigns are there to promote the magazine and attract a wider audience. The majority of articles will be put in the magazine and uploaded online at a later date, if the readers want to read it as soon as possible, they will have to pay, if not, they're going to have to wait. By uploading previous articles and news online, this gives more of a reason for the audience to log onto the website, then they will be able to see upcoming news and magazines.